The Christian Alliance for Orphans

Aging Out Initiative

Successful practices for guiding young people aging out of U.S. foster care and international orphan care into healthy transitions into adulthood. The Aging Out Initiative works to identify and share successful models from CAFO member organizations that show how the Church can help create healthy life transitions for those aging out of international orphan care and U.S. foster care.

As older orphans and foster children age out of care, the trends are heart breaking: homelessness, substance abuse, trafficking, crime and incarceration await many who lack adequate support networks. We believe the Church is called to step into that gap, opening doors to promising futures for these children through holistic life transition programs including: Life Skills Training, Spiritual Care and Mentoring, Transitional Housing, Career Development, Church and Community Support Networks.

Key Area for Case Studies

Promising Practices in Five Key Areas for Successful Life Transitions

Note: The case study models highlighted focus on only one aspect of the broader,
holistic approach to supporting aging-out orphans taken by the profiled organizations.