The Christian Alliance for Orphans

Student Initiative

connecting the next generation of orphan care advocates and world changers


Young leaders, currently enrolled in school or university


Leaders, new to orphan care and who are wanting to learn more


Find out how your organization can engage with and inspire young leaders

The CAFO Student Initiative inspires and equips students for a lifetime of effective service. We harness the immense resources of the entire CAFO network - helping students build the knowledge, wisdom, and practical experiences critical to serving vulnerable children wisely and well for the long haul.


CAFO’s internship program provides real work experience that makes a difference for vulnerable children and families...and for your future. You can serve alongside and learn from professionals and veterans in the field, joining a movement with impact around the globe.

Tell Us About Yourself!

If you’re a student or are interested in engaging students, we’d love to talk with you about opportunities.

Join the Conversation!

If you’re a student join us on Facebook. We'll share news about internships, student summit and more!