Give & Serve

Your investments and volunteer service are leveraged for major impact through a united CAFO.

All CAFO administration is covered by sponsors, membership, and other sources, so 100% of your donations go to fuel CAFO initiatives that grow and guide effective care for children.

Just as important, every dollar given is more than doubled by volunteer and in-kind commitments. That’s real leverage!

Leave a Legacy

Many people are pleasantly surprised to discover that a gift in their will does not have to be large to make a difference. Even just a small percentage of what is left after your loved ones are provided for can make an eternal impact. When you leave a gift in your will to CAFO, we will honor your legacy by using it to impact the lives of vulnerable children and families. Is the thought of giving a gift in your will completely new to you?


The purpose of the educational internship program is to provide real work experience training that contributes to your personal and professional development.