Design Manager



One place I’ve always wanted to visit:

the United Kingdom, all of it

Favorite pastime activity: 

Baking, or making, food to be enjoyed by others

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee, please!

More about Charity:

Charity serves as CAFO’s Design Manager. She is passionate about making the mundane interesting and the complex digestible. Prior to CAFO, she was a freelance graphic designer who collaborated with Fortune 500 and other national companies as well as extensively serving the local church and various nonprofits.

She and her husband, Stephen, find much joy in partnering together to serve the local church through vocational ministry. On any given Sunday, you may find Charity serving on the worship team or in the children’s ministry… she can also identify every paint color used on the walls at their church.

Charity and Stephen’s favorite date night is an evening filled with live music and their family loves to travel and explore new places. One of her favorite things that keeps her closer to home, is practicing hospitality on a regular basis.