Vice President for Engagement



One place I’ve always wanted to visit:


Favorite pastime activity: 

Beach Volleyball

Coffee or Tea?

Why does this have to be either or? Chai Latte.

More about Elizabeth:

Elizabeth Correll is the Vice President of Engagement for the Christian Alliance for Orphans where she loves to watch families and the local church transform as they show God’s unfailing love to orphans and vulnerable children in their communities.  Elizabeth works to provide connection and collaboration among Christians and child advocates around the world through a variety of best-practice initiatives and the annual CAFO Summit.

Prior to this role Elizabeth served in the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives under President George W. Bush where she spearheaded outreach and organized trainings for faith-based organizations nationwide.   She received her BS in English Education and Masters of Music Education and thoroughly enjoyed teaching junior high and high school for a short season before moving to Washington, DC.