Project Coordinator



One place I’ve always wanted to visit:

Anywhere I can watch the Northern Lights!

Favorite pastime activity: 

reading while enjoying a cold brew

Coffee or Tea?


More about Frances:

Frances is wife to Jeff Chaisson, and mother to her beautiful daughter Renee through the miracle of adoption.

Frances serves as Project Coordinator for More Than Enough.

She was born and raised in Puerto Rico but has called Florida her home for over 25 years. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Studies from Eckerd College.

Over the years Frances’s experience grew both in ministry and corporate settings as an administrator and within the project management field. In 2013, Frances and her husband Jeff co-founded a non-profit focused on keeping children from entering foster care by serving and empowering at-risk families. Two years later this non-profit joined the mission of Salty Church as Salty Family Services where it continues to grow in its service to families.

Outside of work, you can find her enjoying a good workout, reading at her favorite coffee shop, meal-prepping for the week, or simply relaxing while delighting in the company of her husband and daughter.