Gary Schneider

Board Member

Gary Schneider has served for 20 years as a full-time missionary, called to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with orphaned children worldwide.

He is the founder and President of Every Orphan’s Hope (EOH), a ministry in Zambia, Africa, that rescues, raises, and restores orphans to life in Christ, in a family, in a home, and in a community where they are known and loved. ( EOH does not build or operate orphanages. Rather, they provide a holistic care model for orphans and vulnerable children, from newborns to graduating college students transitioning to work/life independence. The ministry’s goal is family permanency for every orphan through reunification, long-term foster care, adoption, and temporary placement in alternative care family homes for children without parental or family support.

Gary’s passion for helping develop entrepreneurial skills and opportunities for young adults in Zambia also led to the creation of Chicks-4-Orphans, The Narrow Road Bike Shops, Bikes for Orphans, and The Bread of Blessing Bakery as small business sustainability initiatives creating skills training, jobs and revenue to support EOH’s holistic orphan care ministry.

Gary is also the founder of Orphan Sunday. This annual event calls the Christian Church to minister the love of Christ to orphaned children in their community on One Day with One Voice for One Purpose – to invite orphans into the family of God as adopted sons and daughters through faith in Jesus Christ.

Gary has been married to his wife Debbie for 38 years, and they have four children ages 18 to 34, one through adoption. They love their newest roles as Papa G and Gammy to their grandson Armie. Gary and Debbie are avid Formula1 and Kansas City Chiefs fans and enjoy traveling and cheering on their youngest daughter as she competes for championship titles in International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.