Communications Coordinator



One place I’ve always wanted to visit:

Patagonia is at the top of the list, but my travel wishlist is never-ending!

Favorite pastime activity: 

Traveling, reading classic literature, hiking, sewing, cooking, and trying new artistic endeavors!

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee, black!

More about Julie:

Julie works as the Communications Manager for CAFO’s Center on Applied Research for Vulnerable Children and Families. Prior to this role, she has worked with vulnerable children and families in various capacities and in multiple countries. Most recently, she and her family were living and working in Southern Peru where they were supporting the care of vulnerable children and families and helping to build the vision for family-based care solutions in Peru.

Julie received a MA in Counseling from Denver Seminary and a BA in Communication from Colorado State University. Born and raised in Colorado, Julie loves to travel and explore the world with her husband and three kids. They have had the opportunity to live in Scotland, Israel, and Peru. She enjoys few things more than evenings spent with friends, new and old, over good food and good conversation.