Research Fellow



One place I’ve always wanted to visit:

Gates of the Arctic National Park, AK

Favorite pastime activity: 

Hiking and camping

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee before 9, tea anytime after!

More about Mandy:

Dr. Mandy Hiles Howard is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Samford University. She came to Samford after serving as the Assistant Director of the TCU Institute of Child Development. She worked closely with Drs. Karyn Purvis and David Cross in the development of Trust-Based Relational Interventions, which is a trauma-informed evidence-based approach to working with children who have a history of trauma.

Mandy’s professional interest broadly falls under the category of applied developmental psychology. Her work integrates theory, research and practice in a concentrated effort to increase understanding of the interpersonal processes underlying mental health and quality of life for children and youth in non-traditional care. Her research has generated a great deal of political and public policy interest both nationally and internationally. Some of her major engagements include addressing Australian Parliament and meeting with the Prime Minister, speaking at the internationally simulcasted Empower to Connect Conference, and training professionals within the Department of Family and Protective Services in multiple states.