Director of Development + Discipleship


Oklahoma City, OK

One place I’ve always wanted to visit:

India and Greece

Favorite pastime activity: 

Dating my wife.

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee. Definitely coffee.

More about Michael:

Michael is a follower of Jesus, a lover of people and is always seeking to be better at both. He is married to his high school sweetheart, the lovely and talented Annaleise Mitchell. They are the proud parents of Isabella, Benjamin and Harrison.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Oklahoma Christian University and a master’s degree in Education from the University of Oklahoma. Before coming to CAFO, he served as Director of Development and Marketing for an international water nonprofit working to eradicate the water crisis in 14 African countries. Prior to that role, Michael spent more than a decade in higher education fundraising and marketing with Oklahoma Christian University.

Michael enjoys teaching, reading, writing, music of all kinds, travel, shenanigans with his kids, fighting street gangs for charity, and has recently become very enthusiastic about roasting coffee.