Mike Douris

Board Member

President, Orphan Outreach

Mr. Douris has over 46 years of experience managing children services domestically and internationally.  His experience includes work at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Lufkin Independent School District, Dallas County Juvenile Probation Department, and Buckner International.  Mr. Douris holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Sam Houston State University in Criminal Justice and a Master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Mr. Douris served 22 years at Buckner International. He was Vice President of Buckner International where he led the development of Buckner’s international program and managed domestic and international adoption and orphan care programs. Prior to developing Buckner’s international program, Mr. Douris served 11 years in executive management at Buckner Children and Family Services managing and developing services to children in the whole spectrum of care.

Additionally, Mr. Douris served as the chairman of the Dallas County Mental Health Children’s Committee.  He has developed childcare programs including therapeutic foster care, assessment centers, residential treatment, family preservation, community-based services, as well as international programs including adoption, foster care, transitional living, therapeutic residential programs, community based services and family preservation services.  Mr. Douris developed an annual Russian National Children’s Conference in partnership with the Russian Chamber of Commerce. He has provided consultation on children’s issues to government officials in numerous countries including Russia, Latvia, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, and Kenya.

Currently, Mike one of the founders and serves as President of Orphan Outreach a 501c3 non-profit ministry-serving children in Guatemala, Honduras, Russia, Latvia, Kenya, India, Ukraine and Nepal.  In addition, Mike is a founding board member of the Christian Alliance for Orphans, a coalition of adoption agencies, orphan care organizations, and churches that work with children throughout the world and serves on the advisory board of Faith to Action.

Mike has been married to his wife Anita for 46 years and has three children and two grandchildren.