Data Analyst


South Carolina

One place I’ve always wanted to visit:


Favorite pastime activity: 

Watching movies or trying new restaurants

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee, always!

More about Rachel:

Rachel Jackson is currently serving as the Data Analyst for More Than Enough. When Rachel was six years old, her family adopted two of her older sisters from Ethiopia, which God has used to place a special burden on her heart for vulnerable children and families. Throughout high school and college, the Lord continued to provide opportunities for her to intern and volunteer with various adoption and foster care agencies, eventually allowing for her to cross paths with the CAFO team! Rachel has enjoyed getting to use her God-given abilities, including her eye for detail and love for data, to serve the CAFO community in her current role.

Rachel graduated from Clemson University in 2019 with a degree in Sociology and recently earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of South Carolina. In her free time, she enjoys trying new restaurants, going to the movie theater, and serving on the audio/visual production team at her church.